Writing Assignment: At the Beach (Solution)

Fun at the beach

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1.    Where was this picture taken?
This picture was taken at the beach.

2.    Who do you see in this picture?
In this picture we see some children and a couple of adults.

3.    What are the people in this picture doing?
The children are playing in the sand, and the adults are swimming in the water.

4.    What is the weather like?
The weather is sunny, and perhaps a little windy.

5.    What do people usually do at the beach?
At the beach, people usually go swimming or sunbathing.

6.    What other activities can you see at the beach?
At the beach you can also see people walking along the shore, playing beach volleyball, having a picnic, or building sandcastles.  You can also see children playing in the water or in the sand.

7.    What can you find if you walk along the shore?
If you walk along the shore, you can find seashells.

8.    What is the special name for a wooden sidewalk at the beach?
The wooden sidewalk at the beach is called a boardwalk.

9.    What do you call the clothes you wear when swimming?
The clothes you wear when you go swimming are called swimsuits.

10.    At the beach, where can you change into your swim clothes?
At the beach, you can use a bathhouse or beach house to change into your swimsuit.

11.    What kinds of accessories are useful to have at the beach?
When you are at the beach, it is useful to have things like a blanket or a towel to sit or lie on.  It is also handy to have a beach umbrella to give you some shade from the sun.  If you have children with you, it is also useful to have some sand toys such as a sand bucket and shovel, and some blow-up toys like a beach ball or inflatable swim ring.

12.    What do children like to do at the beach?
At the beach, children like to play in the water, or dig in the sand and make sandcastles.  They also like to collect pretty shells.

13.    Who helps keep people safe at the beach?
The lifeguard helps to keep people safe at the beach.

14.    What is dangerous about swimming in water?
When swimming, you have to be careful.  You could get a leg cramp, which would make it difficult or painful to swim.  Sometimes there are also strong currents, such as undertows or rip tides (rip currents) that can exhaust even an experienced swimmer and cause him to drown.  Because of situations like these, you should never swim alone.

15.    What can he use to help people in distress?
If a lifeguard sees a person in distress, he can use a life preserver to help them stay afloat and bring them to safety.

16.    Why might people need a lifeguard to assist them?
People might need a lifeguard to assist them if they get a leg cramp or become exhausted or are otherwise unable to swim.  They may also need a lifeguard’s assistance if they find they have swum out too far or are in water that is too deep for them.

17.    What do you call the movement of the water?
There are different ways water can move.  If it is windy, the water will move in waves that come against the shore.  In a river, ocean, or sea, the water will move because of a current.  The water in oceans and seas also move up and down twice a day because of the moon’s gravitational influence – this is called the tide.

18.    What can you do if you get hungry or thirsty at the beach?
If you get hungry or thirsty at the beach, you can go to the concession stand and buy something to eat or drink.  If you have brought picnic supplies, you can find something to eat or drink from your own cooler.

19.    How can people protect themselves from the sun?
People can protect themselves from the sun by using a beach umbrella.  But a lot of sunlight is still reflected off the water and the sand, so you can still get some sunburn even if you’re under an umbrella.  You can use sunblock to help prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from damaging your skin.  If you want to work on a suntan, you can apply suntan lotion to help you get a tan.

20.    What can happen if you get too much sun?
If you get too much sun, you can get sunburned.  If you get an excessive amount of sun, you could get not only sunburned, but you could also get a sunstroke, which could be serious, and might require medical attention.

Paragraph:  A Day at the Beach

When I was younger, my grandparents lived in Florida.  We often visited them at Christmastime, and I would enjoy the nice Florida weather by going swimming at the beach.  One year I spent too much time at the beach, and got a horrible sunburn.  Part of the reason why the sunburn was so severe was because my skin was used to winter weather, and I had lost my summer suntan to protect my skin from the Florida sun.  I felt fine during the day, but when I went home in the evening, my skin was as red as a tomato.  I think I also must have had a touch of sunstroke, because I also felt sick and nauseous from too much exposure to the sun.  The next day I did not feel nauseous, but I was still miserable because my skin felt like it was on fire.  It took much longer to get over the sunburn, but I learned my lesson:  Do not spend all day at the beach without using some sort of protection, such as sunblock, or even wearing a t-shirt.


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