Monthly Archives: January 2013

Crossword – Basic Vocabulary 34

basic vocab 34
1 the first day of the work week (6)
4 a geometric shape with four sides of equal length and four right angles (6)
8 something that has been built, especially something large (9)
11 a preposition used to what by means or method someone uses to do something (2)
12 a small insect that lives in large groups (3)
13 conjunction used for comparing two things (2)
14 to move from one place to another (2)
15 a large farm animal used for producing milk and meat (3)
16 to touch lightly (3)
18 a school for advanced education, especially in a particular profession or skill (7)
19 being essential (9)
22 a citrus fruit, often used in making juice (6)
23 a pronoun used to say that it doesn’t matter which thing or person is chosen, because the result will be the same (9)
26 the force that makes a moving object keep moving (8)
28 a conjunction used to join two words, phrases, etc referring to things that are related in some way (3)
29 a statement that is not strong enough to express how good, bad, etc something really is (14)
30 an answer you use to indicate that something is true, or you agree; opposite of no (3)
31 to fasten things together using a piece of string or a rope (3)
32 making an animal able to work for people or live with them as a pet (13)
35 a method for doing something (3)

1 relating to the principles of right and wrong, good and evil (5)
2 nose hole (7)
3 personal pronoun for 2nd person, singular or plural (3)
4 a word used when speaking to a man in order to be polite or show respect (3)
5 a preposition used to indicate towards a higher place or position (2)
6 to make something press against something else and move it around (3)
7 the sound a snake makes (4)
9 to feel sorry about something you did, and wish that you hadn’t done it (6)
10 lack of conformity (12)
13 a number or amount that is not exact, but is almost correct; an estimate (13)
17 the things that a person or animal does (8)
18 a sharp curved nail on an animal or bird (4)
20 to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved (5)
21 boyfriend / girlfriend (10)
24 a business that produces a particular type of good or service (8)
25 what comes after 99 (7)
27 flat and level, with no parts that are higher than other parts (4)
28 anyway (6)
33 a preposition used to say where someone or something goes (2)
34 a word used when talking about something that might happen or be true, or might have happened (2)


Idiom Focus: Common English Idioms 10

Every Saturday I’ll give you a couple of idioms to learn.  An idiom is a saying or phrase whose meaning cannot be taken from the literal meanings of the words.  Currently, we’re looking at some common English idioms.

give someone a hand:  1) to help someone  2) to applaud someone


1)  Sure, I can give you a hand with printing the programs for the concert.
2)  Let’s give Tom a hand for his wonderful solo performance.

Got a minute?:  Do you have a little bit of free time?  Can I briefly talk to you about something?


You got a minute?  I need some help with this spreadsheet.


Crossword – TOEFL 9 (Solution)



Crossword – TOEFL 9

1 To smear someone with falsehoods (8)
6 A shade or tint of a color (3)
8 Anger, wrath (3)
9 Principled (10)
11 Take the whole attention, enslave (8)
12 Bashful, not liking attention (3)
13 Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; clumsy, imcompetent (5)
15 Grossly wicked or reprehensible (7)
19 Extremely tiny, immeasurably small (13)
22 Looking ill, not bright (3)
23 A space between two objects (3)
24 Complex or intricate (13)
26 Renovate (6)
28 Pertaining to the country; rustic (5)
29 Able to move quickly and easily (5)
30 Have a tendency to do something (3)
31 Verbal abuse (12)

1 To grant like an honor or a gift (6)
2 Excess, especially in eating or drinking (7)
3 To force something on another (6)
4 Exercises to develop strong bodies (12)
5 Possessing discernment (4)
6 To worry, trouble (6)
7 A symbol, design, or badge (6)
10 Extreme disorder or confusion (5)
14 Emphasize (10)
16 Practical (11)
17 Solemn promise (3)
18 Showing that something is likely to be successful (10)
19 Unable to meet debts or discharge liabilities; bankrupt (9)
20 Understand; to penetrate to the meaning or nature of (6)
21 Fall behind (3)
25 To make a quality, belief, etc. weaker or less effective (6)
27 Tempo (4)


Idiom Focus: Common English Idioms 9

Every Saturday I’ll give you a couple of idioms to learn.  An idiom is a saying or phrase whose meaning cannot be taken from the literal meanings of the words.  Currently, we’re looking at some common English idioms.

fill in for someone:  substitute for someone, do someone’s job while they are unable to do it or absent


Mark’s going to fill in for Sarah while she’s on vacation next week.

fresh out of something:  when you have just used up the last of something


Oh, we are fresh out of milk.  Could you run to the store and get some more for me?


Crossword – Basic Vocabulary 33 (Solution)

basic vocab 33-sol


Crossword – Basic Vocabulary 33

Basic Crossword
1 the way you feel at a given time (4)
4 some or even the smallest amount or number (3)
6 someone who buys and uses products and services (8)
10 to move your body in the water by using your arms and legs (4)
11 your male child (3)
12 to concentrate on a specific person or thing (5)
13 by a great amount (4)
15 a natural, white mineral that is added to food for flavor and preservation; sodium chloride (4)
17 used to say that someone opposes or disagrees with something (7)
19 the number between nine and eleven (3)
20 nearly, but not completely, or not quite (6)
21 a word used to ask or talk about how successful someone is at something; auxiliary verb (2)
22 to move from one place to another (2)
23 when someone or something is replaced by someone or something else (12)
27 turned upside down or on its side (10)
28 possibility, opportunity (6)
30 to cause physical harm to something or to part of someone’s body (6)
31 decided or arranged without any reason or plan (9)
33 a piece of wood, metal, paper, etc. that has words or pictures on it for information, directions, or warnings (4)
34 the pink flesh in your mouth that is around your teeth (3)
35 one of two equal parts of something (4)
36 small (6)
38 clean, not messy (4)

1 polite way to address a woman (5)
2 the small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night (3)
3 something that you use to take pictures (6)
5 an answer you use to indicate that something is true, or you agree; opposite of no (3)
6 happening regularly or all the time (8)
7 opposite of hard (4)
8 pasta shaped like a bent tube (8)
9 being against change, refusing to accept new ideas (10)
10 a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag and contains liquid or air (3)
14 a small cloth used to wipe your face or nose (12)
16 opposite of most (5)
18 a negative answer; opposite of yes (2)
19 the number between one and three (3)
22 the study of countries, cities, oceans, rivers, mountains, etc of the world (9)
23 a little plate that goes under a teacup or coffee cup (6)
24 continuing or developing gradually, not likely to change (6)
25 a word used when talking about something that might happen or be true, or might have happened (2)
26 someone who works with his hands in a job or a trade (9)
28 to become different, or make something become different (6)
29 to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often repeatedly (5)
32 the whole amount of something (3)
37 a preposition used to say where someone or something goes (2)


Crossword – Basic Vocabulary 33

basic vocab 33
1 the way you feel at a given time (4)
4 some or even the smallest amount or number (3)
6 someone who buys and uses products and services (8)
10 to move your body in the water by using your arms and legs (4)
11 your male child (3)
12 to concentrate on a specific person or thing (5)
13 by a great amount (4)
15 a natural, white mineral that is added to food for flavor and preservation; sodium chloride (4)
17 used to say that someone opposes or disagrees with something (7)
19 the number between nine and eleven (3)
20 nearly, but not completely, or not quite (6)
21 a word used to ask or talk about how successful someone is at something; auxiliary verb (2)
22 to move from one place to another (2)
23 when someone or something is replaced by someone or something else (12)
27 turned upside down or on its side (10)
28 possibility, opportunity (6)
30 to cause physical harm to something or to part of someone’s body (6)
31 decided or arranged without any reason or plan (9)
33 a piece of wood, metal, paper, etc. that has words or pictures on it for information, directions, or warnings (4)
34 the pink flesh in your mouth that is around your teeth (3)
35 one of two equal parts of something (4)
36 small (6)
38 clean, not messy (4)

1 polite way to address a woman (5)
2 the small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night (3)
3 something that you use to take pictures (6)
5 an answer you use to indicate that something is true, or you agree; opposite of no (3)
6 happening regularly or all the time (8)
7 opposite of hard (4)
8 pasta shaped like a bent tube (8)
9 being against change, refusing to accept new ideas (10)
10 a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag and contains liquid or air (3)
14 a small cloth used to wipe your face or nose (12)
16 opposite of most (5)
18 a negative answer; opposite of yes (2)
19 the number between one and three (3)
22 the study of countries, cities, oceans, rivers, mountains, etc of the world (9)
23 a little plate that goes under a teacup or coffee cup (6)
24 continuing or developing gradually, not likely to change (6)
25 a word used when talking about something that might happen or be true, or might have happened (2)
26 someone who works with his hands in a job or a trade (9)
28 to become different, or make something become different (6)
29 to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often repeatedly (5)
32 the whole amount of something (3)
37 a preposition used to say where someone or something goes (2)


Idiom Focus: Common English Idioms 8

Every Saturday I’ll give you a couple of idioms to learn.  An idiom is a saying or phrase whose meaning cannot be taken from the literal meanings of the words.  Currently, we’re looking at some common English idioms.

drop someone a line:  write a brief note / letter


Jack promised his grandmother he would drop her a line once he got settled at university.


figure something out:  solve a problem, understand something


Have you figured out how to use that new software yet?


Happy New Year! 2013 Resolutions

Every year I make resolutions (which I prefer to think of as “setting goals”), with a track record of limited success. This year is no different: I have been thinking about what sort of things I’d like to accomplish this year, and have written them down in a rough draft. What’s new (and hopefully improved) for this year is that insofar as possible, I am appending to each goal specific, actionable steps to help me achieve that goal; e.g., if one of my goals is to complete my writing projects, I have under that goal “Write a minimum of 1000 words a day.”

I think that this approach will be especially helpful for those who are learning another language. So, for example, if you want to improve your English in 2013, don’t just write “Learn more English” as your resolution. Instead, write:

(example 1)

Increase my vocabulary

  • Learn 100 new words a week
  • ==> Learn 15 new words a day
  • ==> Spend 20 minutes a day learning vocabulary
  • ==> Read one English story a week

(example 2)

Improve my grammar

  • Complete XYZ workbook
  • ==> Work on N sections a week
  • ==> Spend 30 minutes a day doing the workbook

I think this gives you a good idea of setting not only specific goals, but thinking about the specific steps that are necessary for achieving your goals.

What are your goals for English? Think about them, and then think about what steps you can take towards those goals. Make your steps realistic and practical, and you’ll be more likely to achieve them.

For some, this might seem like a no-brainer, and, indeed, I have heard before the advice about being specific in setting goals. But the “a-ha” insight for me lies in not only being specific about the goals themselves, but in getting specific about the steps necessary to achieve those goals. It forces me to think more clearly about the goals – thus, the goals are more realistic, giving me a better chance at success.
